Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Gossip Girl--Episode 3 Highs and Lows

So, it is the third week in a row I have tuned into Gossip Girl and I have to say, it's starting to feel like a coke addiction. Not in the wow, it's so great, I am hooked way, but more in the oh, shit, why do I keep feeling obliged to do this, I wish I was a better person, a smarter person, a person who didn't indulge in this crap anymore sort of way.

Highlights: Blair's awesome Ivy League-appealing outfit that if it were a size 18 would have been worn by my Girl Guide leader in 1985; Blair eating crow when Eric shows her his wickedly unimpressive wrist slashing scar, Serena's tears (which kind of inspired my own).

Lowlights: The interaction between Eric and Jenny (save the PG for Saturday mornings, folks); the love-fest return to BFF status of Serena and Blair; the preview for next week's episode which reveals, surprise!, the girls' backs are arched again! Hissss!

Dirty, Sexy Money might have to replace my Gossip Girl highs and lows. I am not sure I can extend my interest in rich upper Eastsiders across three generations simultaneously.


Myles said...

Okay, what's with the Eric and Jenny hate? I can understand the rest, but adorableness is an important antidote to overbearing teen smut.

Every show needs a heart, and I think that it can be found in youth.

Ondo Lady said...

I will be tuning into the third episode tonight, I cannot wait!! This show is perfect for me to get over the end of The Fashionista Diaries.