Thursday, January 3, 2008

Don't Judge a Baby by its Name Unless it was Named by a Celebrity

I had to link to this great post about baby name regret.

Seems that 10% of American parents have misgivings about the name they chose for their child.

As an Amber who was supposed to be an Autumn who is sibling to a Tiffany who was supposed to be a Crystal, I gotta say, sometimes having a name that evokes immediate comments on stripper poles makes you a better person.

Besides, it's not like our names rhymed with fart or douche. The best I got was Amber Pamper, which not only didn't make sense, but was just plain stupid.

Hence the beginning of a lifelong conviction that I am actually smarter than any eight year old on the planet. How many Suzies can claim the same? Hm?

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