Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sad Dads Now Another Thing to Worry About

After four months of a distracted pregnancy, I am finally starting to pay some attention to all things baby-related.

Holy shit. Ignorance is bliss.

At some point in recent history, parenthood became really complicated.

Never mind trying to make your baby a genius, apparently your mood will affect your little one's vocab.

As if it's not enough that parents suffer from sleep deprivation, sex deprivation and general dishevelment, it now turns out that parents are twice as likely as the general population to be clinically depressed. Oh, and if daddy's feeling the black dog, well, your kid will be spewing "mama" while the rest of the tikes are waxing philosophic on the merits of Jack and Jill.

Toddlers with sad dads have more limited vocabularies than those with glum mums. Perhaps this is because in the tradition of Sylvia Plath, low women tend to be hyper verbal, while depressed men clam up?

Regardless, moms and moms-to-be now have the added pressure of keeping their baby daddies happy or risk raising children perpetually at a loss for words. For some kids, this might not be such a bad thing...

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