Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Because Continuing Ed Writing Workshops Don't Offer Enough Crappy Writing Sharing

HarperCollins is launching, Authonomy.com, a website for lisping assholes. Just kidding.

But not really. The site provides an opportunity for aspiring authors to share their manuscripts with "book lovers."

Never mind that book lovers read books and only aspiring writers read aspiring writers' manuscripts for free, this new "social networking site" promises to provide me with daily reasons to set my own self-generated slush pile on fire and throw myself onto its burning pyre.

As with any ill-conceived publishing project, there is the feint promise of consideration for publication for the most popular uploaded works. And, like all poorly run writing workshops, jerkoffs with no literary background and way too much arrogance are free to comment at will on your work.

May the bloodshed and purple prose flow freely.

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