Thursday, May 8, 2008

Miss J: Je Suis Fatigue, Aussi

So I was away for a couple of weeks and I missed two recaps but when all is said and done, do we care?

The 'A' in ANTM clearly stands for Anya, who is the only one of the remaining four girls who has the right size, gender, and complexion to be a model.

Is it just me or does Fatima looks like a before-shot for Proactive?

Sigh. So I will keep this recap short since the only moment of awesome happened during judging panel.

Fatima, Whitney, Dominique and Anya are in Rome. They are challenged to take pictures of Paulina and it turns out that Fatima is far less annoying behind the camera than she is in front of it.

Since she wins, Fatima earns 50 extra frames at the photo shoot the girls do later on with Nigel Barker.

Most of the episode is consumed by the very bored girls trapped in their loft whining about one another. Much more Big Brother than ANTM.

Anyway, Nigel and Mr. Jay direct the girls for their night shoot, which pairs them with Italian male models, and dresses them (the girls) as '50s starlets.

Every girl is a bit of a disaster on her shoot, but Anya still looks hot in her photo, despite looking like a bad Madonna impersonator in her heavy eyeliner.

At judging panel, Whitney and Dominique show up wearing matching all-black outfits with big shiny belts (now the showdown at the house when they realized they were matching would have been worth seeing) but Dominique is schooled by Tyra for looking ghetto.

When the panel is left alone to judge the girls' fates, Miss J continues his ongoing anti-Fatima campaign by fanning himself with her photo and sighing, "Je suis fatigue."

Checking out Dominique's photo (and how Miss J loves his big old trannie) he announces, "That's why it's called Cover Girl. Because it covers up the man in you."

However, Dominique needs more than make-up to hide her balls and she's sent packing back to the U.S. where she is likely eating candy and talking about herself in the third person.

Fatima is saved from the chopping block once again. Oh, poor Miss J. May you get your wish next week!

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