Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Reality Show Pronounces Death of Music

Okay, so this a photo of one of the 12 greatest unsigned bands living in America.

Watching Fox's Next Great American Band, I actually teared up.

Not because I was laughing (I was alone and working my way through a 40-ouncer of vodka hangover. Laughter was not physically possible.) but because the show was so bad it upset me.

I am not a music snob (see my Maroon 5 posting for confirmation). But, seriously.

This is as good as it gets? Sheila E., a dude from the Googoo Dolls, some other dude named Dicko (guess what his role as a judge is?) and kids with Hanson haircuts?

Ugh. Just writing about this god-awful show has brought back my hangover.
I hate you Fox.

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