Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dirty Sexy on the Money

I am basically King Midas in reverse when it comes to a new TV show: if I like it, it will die.

Remember Invasion? Of course you don't. I was the only one who insisted on watching the Shaun Cassidy-penned drama every week, until it's insanely intense season finale where the very future of humanity was on the brink of extinction and then--

Nothing. The show disappeared. Cancelled. Now in my mind we are all only one episode away from total alien anihilation (and I wonder why I have problems sleeping).

So, it's with a heavy heart that I proclaim my love for the increasingly unloved Dirty Sexy Money. There are some amazing things working for this show. Donald Sutherland's rheumy blue eyes, for starters. Peter Krause's awesomely rectangular face. More Six Feet Under talent in the way of the show's creator and executive producer, Craig Wright.

There is also a Baldwin brother, a transgendered love interest, a mystery sub-plot and lots of high-falutin' New York settings that make me yearn for the upper East side. What else do you want, people? Sure, it's slightly smutty but isn't that the point of non-publicly funded television?

The show has lost nearly 2 million viewers since its premiere and so I am rallying the troops. At the very least, set your PVR this Wednesday at 10 so you can tell me why I am wrong.

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