Friday, February 15, 2008

Would You Like Fries With That?

Greg Garcia (pictured to the right of Jason Lee), the executive producer/creator of My Name is Earl was busy washing toilets at a fast food joint while his fellow writers were striking on the street.

In a Hollywood Reporter interview, Garcia admits he always wanted to write about his experiences working at different jobs. He admitted that as a sitcom writer he spends most of his days locked in a room and that the work experience allowed him to "get back in touch" with TV viewers/Americans while earning more "life experience."

"This wound up a really positive thing," Garcia said. "It didn't turn me off from fast food. In fact, it was really the opposite. The place was unbelievably clean. The people whom I worked with were great. And the work itself was fun. Really. I worked hard -- cashiering, cleaning the bathrooms. A few days in, they liked me so much they asked me to join their management team."

I love that Garcia enjoyed the work.

Whenever I've asked friends what their favourite jobs were, I've never heard: the one I have now.

It's always the "gig at the pub in university" or "the summer I worked for parks and rec." There's something to be said about honest work. But more importantly, there's something to be said about honest work that you know you won't be stuck doing for the rest of your life.

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